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  • This French act of law contains about 50 measures providing for:

    • new obligations with the creation of new producer responsibility sectors to include new product families in the circular economy (toys, sports and do-it-yourself equipment, building materials, cigarette butts, sanitary textiles);
    • new prohibitions on single-use plastics and to fight waste of food and non-food unsold products;
    • new tools to better control and sanction offences against the environment (greater power for mayors to combat littering and illegal dumping), to support companies in their eco-design initiatives (bonus/malus-type incentives) and to assist citizens in new consumption practices (repairability index, information on environment and health impacts of products, harmonisation of info on sorting, etc.).
  • Circularity Dataset
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    Jérôme Petry

    The Circularity Dataset Initiative by the Ministry of the Economy of Luxembourg develops an industry standard providing a regulated framework for circular data on products throughout value chains, from raw materials to finished products, from the use phase to re-usage and recycling.

    The project addresses the difficulty for stakeholders to access reliable data on the circular properties of a product. Trade secrets are hindering transparency and reporting standards are lacking, forcing manufacturers to send out different data sets in diverse formats to customers and product platforms.

    The objective is to save costs, increase value and enable circularity by developing a process and an internationally accepted dataset template, and data is verified through an auditing process.


  • Riihimäki
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    Jenni Takala
    Hanna Eskelinen

    In the framework of the CIRCWASTE project, coordinated by SYKE (Finnish Environment Institute), pioneering municipalities have developed local circular economy (CE) roadmaps in 2019.

    The town of Riihimäki, already a member of FISU (Finnish Sustainable Communities), a network of Finnish municipalities committed to becoming waste-free, has adopted a CE roadmap focusing on the participation of local actors.

    The roadmap covers five themes:

    1. Carbon neutral energy production and consumption
    2. Sustainable circulation and ecologically efficient town structure
    3. Sustainable consumption of natural resources and CE
    4. Diversity of nature and comfortable living environment
    5. Inhabitant responsibility.

    The Riihimäki roadmap also includes commitments to CE by local companies and communities.

  • Vantaa logo
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    Kimmo Nekkula

    In the framework of the CIRCWASTE project, coordinated by SYKE, pioneering municipalities have developed local circular economy roadmaps in 2019. This roadmap, adopted by Vantaa, Finland's fourth biggest city, is based first and foremost on what stakeholders identify as local strengths, special characteristics and challenges.

    The roadmap lists the priorities, objectives and actions to take in 2019-2030 that could a promote circular economy locally. Its priorities are :

    1. circular business models
    2. circular economy in construction
    3. circular public procurement
    4. sharing economy.

    The objectives are to be reached by 2030 in four timeframes, with responsibility for implementation shared among several local stakeholders that vary from municipal utilities to private companies.

  • Porvoo
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    Sanna Päivärinta
    Enni Flykt
    Hanna Eskelinen

    In the framework of the CIRCWASTE project, coordinated by SYKE (Finnish Environment Institute), pioneering municipalities have developed local circular economy roadmaps in 2019. The City of Porvoo is one of these and published its own circular economy roadmap in May 2019 to steer efforts that promote resource efficiency and circular economy in the coming years, so it can build on successes to date that range.

    A steering group of 16 municipal civil servants and other local stakeholders drafted this roadmap, which focuses in particular on the following objectives:

    1. increasing the use of recycled materials in excavation and building sites
    2. cooperating to improve energy efficiency
    3. reducing the amount of total waste while increasing the level of recycling municipal waste.
  • Central Finland
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    Outi Pakarinen
    Hannu Koponen

    In the framework of the CIRCWASTE project, Southwest Finland developed a circular economy (CE) roadmap in late 2018 to help implement the national waste plan and define regional objectives with concrete measures to achieve these.

    The Finnish Environment Institute formed an expert network on CE, and began identifying regional strengths and special characteristics to start with.

    While the overarching theme is public procurement, the regional strategy focuses on the following sectors:

    1. construction and demolition waste
    2. biodegradable waste, biogas and the nutrient reuse
    3. plastics
    4. electric and electronic wreckage.

    Different stakeholders, from municipal/regional authorities, to national institutes, educational establishments, and private companies take responsibility for implementation.

  • Northern Carelia
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    Aino Heikura

    In 2018, Finland's easternmost region of North Karelia adopted a circular economy (CE) roadmap as part of the CIRCWASTE project. Its objectives are to:

    • enhance material and energy efficiency and improve natural resource use
    • make circular economy inherent to industrial production in priority sectors and strengthen the regional cooperation network in the field of CE
    • strengthen and stimulate new circular business models while developing new technological solutions and know-how in the region.
    • Regarding waste management overall, the strategy aims to increase knowledge and change overall consumer attitudes.

    A system to recycle construction waste is set for development, focusing on logistics, demolition methods and supervision. This strategy aims to improve training on waste management.

  • Southern Carelia
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    Salme Muurikka

    The circular economy (CE) roadmap of the South Karelia region in Finland, along the Russian border, was drawn up at the end of 2018 in the framework of the CIRCWASTE project. The Finnish Environment Institute formed an expert network on CE, and began by identifying regional strengths and specific characteristics.

    In South Karelia, stakeholders set the objectives of CE as:

    • Sustainable wellbeing, no emissions, no waste, or excessive consumption
    • More jobs and business activity in the field of environment
    • Strengthening of knowledge and training in environmental and circular economy issues.

    Stakeholders at different levels are responsible for achieving specific targets, from the regional development council to municipalities, private companies, networks, universities, etc.

  • Southwest Finland
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    Aleksis Klap
    Pilvi Kara

    In the framework of the CIRCWASTE project, Southwest Finland developed a Circular economy (CE) roadmap to implement the national waste plan and define regional objectives with concrete measures to achieve these.

    The Finnish Environment Institute formed an expert network on CE, and began identifying regional strengths and special characteristics.

    For Southwest Finland, stakeholders set a focus on sustainable food systems, high-tech industry, transport and logistics. Public services and knowledge exchange with industry, academia and and civil society are the overarching themes. 

    The priority sectors are:

    • Construction
    • biodegradable waste
    • nutrient reuse
    • municipal waste.

    Targeted training and versatile learning materials will advance CE in construction, where the strategy aims to generate less waste and increase the use of construction and demolition waste to 70%

  • Brussels construction industry roadmap towards a circular economy

    The Brussels Regional Programme for a Circular Economy (CE) is Belgium's capital region strategic effort towards a CE. Within this program, the Brussels construction industry with its 12,000 businesses is a priority sector. As construction and facilities management accounts for 98% of water use, 75% energy demand and 33% of waste in Brussels, there is great potential for a substantial contribution to a circular transition.

    The roadmap, developed in partnership with the Environmental Agency through 3 stakeholder workshops, includes three gradual steps towards circular building in Brussels:

    1. voluntary measures by construction businesses by 2025
    2. comprehensive regulation for circular public buildings by 2030
    3. reforming all relevant local planning regulations to include circularity by 2040.
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    As an adviser for environmental and climate policy, Leon de Graaf particularly follows policies related to the circular economy, trade and climate, low-emission mobility, implementation of the Paris climate agreement (COP21) and the European emission trading system (EU ETS). He is also deputy manager of BusinessEurope's corporate Advisory and Support Group (ASGroup). Prior to joining BusinessEurope, Leon worked at the research consultancy Ecorys, focusing on renewable energy and international development issues, at DG COMP on energy and environmental subsidies in Europe, and at the Dutch Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) on indirect ETS costs for energy-intensive industries. Leon has a MSc in environmental economics and climate change from the London School of Economics, and a BSc in business economics from the University of Groningen.

  • About this contact

    Ladeja Godina Košir, Founder and Executive Director of Circular Change, is an internationally renowned expert on the circular economy, speaker, (co)author of several CE reports and articles, and co-creator of international circular economy events. Ladeja was the finalist for the Circular Leadership Award 2018 (Davos WEF) and named in "The #EUwomen4future campaign” featuring extraordinary women active in research, innovation, education, culture and sport by Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth in 2020. She is recognised as the regional "engine of circular economy transition". She is co-author of the first Roadmap towards the Circular Economy and creator and team leader of the annual international Circular Change Conference. Ladeja has consulted on the national circular economy roadmapping process based on stakeholder engagement for several countries and cities (Serbia, Montenegro, Norway, Israel, Chile, etc.).

    Ladeja has several international roles: chair of the coordination group of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP) in Brussels (2018/20), visiting professor at Doshisha University in Kyoto and co-leader of the Research Group Circular Economy Systems at the Bertalanfy Center for the Study of Systems Science (BCSSS) in Vienna.

    Ladeja takes a transdisciplinary systemic approach and holistic view as an entrepreneur, communications professional, speaker, moderator, lecturer, mentor and passionate connector. She is empowering a new narrative and circular culture. She bridges the bioeconomy and the circular economy; one of the EU projects to which she contributes is Effective (Horizon 2020 & BBI JU), a multi-company collaboration to produce more sustainable, bio-based fibres and plastics for large consumer products using renewable feedstocks and innovative technologies. She also chairs the expert group for the BIOeast Foresight Exercise 2050. Ladeja works with governments, city authorities, companies, NGOs, media and universities, empowering true collaboration to enable circular change.

  • Eline Boon
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    United Kingdom
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    The Ellen MacArthur Foundation is a UK charity which aims to speed up the transition to the circular economy. Since it was set up, the charity has emerged as a global thought leader, putting the circular economy on the agenda of decision makers across business, government and academia.


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    EEA, Switzerland, candidate countries
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    Dr Laurent Zibell led the development of industriAll European trade union's positions on the circular economy, innovation and digitalisation of industry.

    He started his career as an R&D engineer and worked in the field of high-tech and industrial innovation. He is a member of the French trade union CFDT. He holds MScs in Engineering from École Polytechnique and from Mines Paristech (FR), and a PhD in innovation economics from Cranfield University (UK).

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    Municipal Waste Europe is the European umbrella association representing public responsibility for waste.

    The members are national public waste associations and similar national or regional associations. They are committed to sustainable waste management that minimises the impact of waste on the environment and promotes resource efficiency, taking into account local conditions. Municipal Waste Europe promotes the interests of its members at European level, through joint positions on waste management issues and legislation and keeps its members informed on the latest EU policy developments. The association encourages the sharing of information among its members, including the exchange of good practice in the local management of waste.

    Waste management services are a crucial aspect of the social responsibility for the environment and public health in Europe. This service, including collection and treatment systems, is best developed at national, regional and local level. For these reasons and also for the reason of continuity in the delivery of this indispensable service, regardless of market forces, Municipal Waste Europe promotes waste management as a service of general interest.

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    The Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management is an international network of cities and regions sharing the aim of promoting a sustainable resource management, through prevention at source, reuse and recycling, and accelerating the transition towards a circular economy on their territories and beyond. The network currently counts about 100 members, mainly local and regional authorities as well as national networks of local authorities representing around 1100 municipalities. ACR+ is directly represented in 23 countries of the European Union, and the network can also rely on members in Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Palestine and Jordan

    Francesco LEMBO is Managing Director at ACR+, overseeing programs and projects, and ensuring that strategic plans and realistic objectives are in place and monitored. His key duties include fundraising, marketing, community and stakeholders’ outreach. He has over ten years of experience in supporting public administrations, SMEs, employers' associations, NGOs and universities in the design and management of international programs on lifelong learning and sustainable development. He has been advocating for the active involvement of citizens in the development of local and EU policies and the dissemination of inclusive educational models, also designing training programs focused on sustainable development and social inclusion. He wrote about inclusive pedagogy and recognition of prior learnings, and circular economy education. He has a Bachelor in contemporary history, and then followed MA studies in Lifelong Learning Sciences.

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