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    The circular economy – a powerful force for climate mitigation

    Material Economics
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    This report investigates how a more circular economy can contribute to cutting CO2 emissions. It explores a broad range of opportunities for the four largest materials in terms of emissions (steel, plastics, aluminium, and cement) and two large use segments for these materials (passenger cars and buildings). The key conclusion is that a more circular economy can make deep cuts to emissions from heavy industry: in an ambitious scenario, as much as 296 million tons CO2 per year in the EU by 2050, out of 530 Mt in total – and some 3.6 billion tonnes per year globally. Making better use of the materials that already exist in the economy thus can take EU industry halfway towards net-zero emissions.

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    Linear Risks

    Linear Risks Report
    Shyaam Ramkumar
    Frido Kraanen
    Rik Plomp
    Brendan Edgerton
    Arnoud Walrecht
    Ines Baer
    Peter Hirsch
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    Society and businesses are becoming increasingly aware that the resources needed for products are not infinite. There is growing pressure on the availability of resources due to a variety of factors including the expected increase in global consumption of goods spurred by a growing global middle class.

    The report aims to introduce the various business risks of common ‘linear economy’ business practices and start a dialogue with the financial and business community about their implications. Building on this report, there is an objective to explore further directions to better understand and model them. Hopefuly, these risks will one day become an integral part of investment decisions to ensure better investment decisions that achieve long-term stability and growth.

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    CEN Guidelines for integrated circular economy strategies at local and regional level

    CEN Guidelines for integrated circular economy strategies at local and regional level
    ACR+ (Jean-Pierre Hannequart, Philippe Micheaux Naudet)
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    Philippe Micheaux Naudet (ACR+)

    The present guidelines have been developed by ACR+ in the framework of its Circular Europe Network initiative (CEN:

    It aims at explaining the potential role of local and regional authorities, and at developing guidelines to help them draw up integrated and efficient circular economy plans. Even though acknowledging the broader concept, these guidelines focus mainly on materials, considering that it is difficult for local and regional authorities to encompass all topics at once and since material resources represent the core element of circular economy.

    The guidelines clarify the circular economy concept from a local or regional authority's perspective and propose key steps and elements to include in a local or regional circular economy strategy.

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    The Macroeconomics of the Circular Economy Transition

     The Macroeconomics of the Circular Economy Transition
    Andrew McCarthy
    Rob Dellink
    Ruben Bibas
    Publication Date
    Other (International organisation)
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    OECD Library

    This paper reviews the existing literature on modelling the macroeconomic consequences of the transition to a circular economy. It provides insights into the current state of the art on modelling policies to improve resource efficiency and the transition to a circular economy by examining 24 modelling-based assessments of a circular economy transition. Four key conclusions emerge from this literature. First, most models find that a transition to a more circular economy – with an associated reduction in resource extraction and waste generation – could have an insignificant or even positive impact on aggregate macroeconomic outcomes. Second, all models highlight the potential re-allocation effects – both between sectors and regions – of the introduction of circular economy policies.

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    Renewable Materials for a Low-Carbon and Circular Future

    Renewable Materials for a Low-Carbon and Circular Future
    Essity, IKEA, Royal DSM and Tetra Pak
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    Stella Chavin

    Achieving the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Agreement climate targets will hinge upon the global transition to a low-carbon circular economy. Replacing finite and fossil-based materials with responsibly managed renewable materials could decrease carbon emissions whilst reducing dependency on finite resources.

    However, the role that renewable materials can play in the circular economy is often under-rated, and, so far, most of the conversation has focussed on biodegradability, instead of the role they could play in reuse, remanufacturing, and recycling streams. The aim of the Collaborative Project was to start a conversation on the role of renewables in the circular economy.

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    Public Procurement for a Circular Economy

    Public Procurement for a Circular Economy
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    Ashleigh McLennan

    In order to support public purchasers to leverage support for a transition to a circular economy, in October 2017 the European Commission published 'Public Procurement for a Circular Economy'. This brochure contains a range of good practice case studies as well as guidance on integrating circular economy principles into procurement.

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    Money Makes The World Go Round

    Money Makes The World Go Round
    Frido Kraanen
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    This report is the result of a collaborative project which was carried out by members of the Circular Economy 100, a program curated by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. The participants aimed to: (1) understand the implications of a circular economy on the business and financing models of companies; (2) determine how a transition to a circular economy can be supported and accelerated by the financial system; and (3) co-develop and share communication strategies and tools to make the transition clear and tangible to our colleagues, clients, and academics.

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    Circular Business Models for the Built Environment

    Circular Business Models for the Built Environment
    Guglielmo Carra, Arup
    Nitesh Magdani, BAM
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    Contact Person Name (for publication on the website)

    To support the transition to the circular economy, governance, regulations and business models will play a crucial role. More importantly, circular business models (CBMs) would allow the retention of an asset at its highest value over time and support enhancement of natural capital. Different CBMs will be required at different stages of a lifecycle of an asset and may work independently or collaboratively. Successful implementation of these business models will require action from designers, suppliers, service providers, contractors and end-of-life companies by sharing materials, systems, energy, as well as information and services.

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    Keeping Customer Connections

    Keeping Customer Connections
    Anna Vinogradova, Walmart
    David Rakowski, PA Consulting
    Publication Date
    United Kingdom
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    Key Area
    Stella Chavin

    The circular economy offers a new way of looking at the relationships between markets, customers and our use of resources. It uses innovative new business models and designs, disruptive technologies and reverse logistics to transform the current ‘take, make, dispose’ economic model. Circular initiatives work to three principles of designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use and regenerating natural systems. 

    Highlighting that many retailers are already tapping into circular economy thinking, this report is the output of a Collaborative Project carried out by Arizona State University, Cranfield University, eBay, Kingfisher, PA Consulting, Philips, Stuffstr and Wrap.

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    From waste to resource productivity: evidence and case studies

    From waste to resource productivity: evidence and case studies
    Government Chief Scientific Adviser
    Publication Date
    United Kingdom
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    Dr Richard Leese

    All societies produce waste, though its characteristics and what happens to it depend on cultural, economic and political factors at local, national and global scales. New business models, technological innovations and social enterprise have the potential to reduce waste. Policymakers have a key role to play in supporting these efforts by fostering better communication between stakeholders; through regulation that prioritises reuse and quality recycling; and by encouraging resource efficiency through education, research and manufacturing initiatives.

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