Walki Circular Classroom: co-created learning material stimulates circular thinking at school

Training opportunities
Target audience

The Circular Classroom is a new educational platform for learning about the circular economy. This open platform provides secondary schools and upper secondary schools with new tools for discussing the circular economy within a curriculum that promotes phenomenon-based learning and integrated subjects.

The web-based, open access Circular Classroom educational platform focuses on understanding the key concepts of the circular economy.

With content produced by Leyla Acaroglu, who holds a PhD in sociology and is recognised by the UN as a sustainable development expert, the material is considered high-calibre.

The programme includes an introduction to the various aspects of the circular economy specifically designed for young people, various exercises, background videos and support materials for teachers of different subjects. The online platform is designed to be permanent and it will be developed in close cooperation with educational professionals over the coming years.

The Circular Classroom is available in Finnish, Swedish and English.

The programme content has been co-created with teachers from several schools who have already successfully adopted the materials. Teachers have found the materials useful and inspiring when communicating this difficult topic to young students. The programme has been well-received among students who found the approach both inspiring and motivating.