2019: Circular Economy Hotspot goes to Belgium
The Circular Economy Hotspot highlights and promotes the endeavours of companies and organisations that are fostering innovation in the field of circular economy. After The Netherlands, Luxembourg and Scotland, Belgium will be hosting in 2019.
The programme offers a unique chance to discover how Belgium is building a circular ecosystem. Learn more about sustainable chemistry in the second biggest chemical cluster in the world, visit resource recovery projects, urban circular economy incubators, and companies specialised in industrial ecology, recycling and ecodesign. On the second day, participants can attend thematic tours of choice in the Province of Hainaut, Antwerp, Brussels or Ghent.
These Hotspots will be followed by G-STIC 2019 (20 to 22 November 2019), to which all participants will have access. While the Hotspots focus on company visits, the G-STIC will give the opportunity to take part in various thematic sessions related to circular economy and sustainability.