The CircLean Network: European network of businesses and SMEs for Industrial Symbiosis

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CircLean - European network of businesses and SMEs for Industrial Symbiosis

CircLean is a network of businesses and SMEs that participate in the reuse of raw materials through industrial symbiosis. The network aims at mobilising industries and relevant stakeholders to overcome the challenges of industrial symbiosis today for its increased uptake in Europe.

The network will create:

  • a common methodology to measure and report on resource exchange and benefits from symbiotic exchanges;
  • an online tool for matchmaking and assessment of transactions;
  • and a CircLean Label to accredit members that comply with it.

CircLean is an initiative of the European Commission. It is implemented by a consortium led by Technopolis Group, involving Trinomics, International Synergies, and Arctik as partners, and supported by A’SPIRE, EIT Raw Materials and ACR+.