Plattform Kreislaufwirtschaft Austria
Platform Type
Language for original content
Contact Person Name (for publication on the website)
Julika Dittrich

"Circular Futures - Plattform Kreislaufwirtschaft Österreich" is a solution-oriented multistakeholder platform that brings together professionals across relevant industries, the administration, politics, science and civil society in Austria. Circular Futures acts as a think-tank, incubator, and catalyst for projects and initiatives necessary for a successful transition to a circular economy in Austria.

Circular Futures offers:

  • A website that serves as a central information and communication platform;
  • Knowledge events on the circular economy to inform and mobilise stakeholders;
  • Targeted capacity-building for relevant stakeholders through workshops, trainings, and the publication of project information;
  • The coordination of local activities and strengthening of regional networks; and
  • The involvement of relevant stakeholders in political processes (consultations, strategy/guideline developments, etc.) through information-sharing and mobilization.

Circular Futures AT is a collaboration between the Umweltdachverband and the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), the Reuse and Repair Network Austria (RepaNet), and the Verband Abfallberatung Österreich (VABÖ).