All you need is food: this awareness campaign in Italy promotes circular behaviour to reduce food waste

Unione Nazionale Consumatori
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Project elaborated in partnership
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Through their project All you need is food, two Italian consumers' associations - Unione nazionale consumatori (UNC) and Unione per la Difesa dei Consumatori (Udicon) - are working to raise awareness and increase waste-reducing behaviour. Specifically, they encourage reuse of food surpluses in order to enhance access to food by disadvantaged people and promote alternative uses of food which would otherwise be wasted.

Promoting education and information was one of the project's main objectives, together with equipping people with the knowledge needed to make more sustainable and responsible purchases in line with circular economy principles.

The project targeted specific groups of actors in the consumption chain and stakeholders directly interested in the subject. In particular, specific information and awareness-raising tools were created for:

  • municipalities (to enforce the Gadda law against waste and promoting the redistribution of unsold food, thus extending its lifecycle)
  • families and young consumers (with an anti-waste guide containing suggestions on how to reduce food waste and promote the recovery of surpluses)
  • restaurateurs and shopkeepers (to promote the practice of save bags - 100% recyclable containers distributed free of charge to local restaurateurs enabling consumers to take their leftovers home).

Influencers and social media (#cucinasenza sprechi) were also involved, with a view to raising awareness of food waste issues.

Main results

LIFE-FOOD.WASTE.STANDUP (2016-2019) project:

  • 10 000 agrofood companies informed and involved, 200 of which trained on how to manage food surpluses
  • 65 retail companies, operating through 12 000 sales points, trained on how to manage food surplus
  • 1 500 000 consumers reached by awareness raising campaigns, 500.000 of which involved in the awareness campaign against food waste
  • 62 InfoPoint for consumers set up in 58 cities of 18 Italian regions, to provide information about food waste prevention
  • 50 000 Save Bags created in collaboration with Cuky and 1 pilot campaign carried out in Umbria region for their dissemination, and about 5 000 tons of food recovered
  • 15 videos for consumers distributed
  • 1 App developed, named Spesa Facile (Easy shopping), with 3824 downloads, etc.