C-SERVEES: Activating Circular Services in the Electric and Electronic Sector

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C-SERVEES is a European project that aims to boost a resource-efficient circular economy in the electrical and electronic (E&E) sector through the development, testing, validation and transfer of new circular economic business models based on systemic eco-innovative services that include:

  • eco-leasing of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE),
  • product customization,
  • improved management of waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE),
  • and ICT services to support the other eco-services.

ICT tools (relying on QR codes) will be developed as the driver of the proposed eco-innovative services to take full advantage of the potential and synergies of two major revolutions of our time: the circular economy and the Industry 4.0.

C-SERVEES will contribute to transform the E&E sector into circular and 4.0, raising new opportunities for end-users and for social and solidarity economy. The techno-economic, environmental and social viability of the new circular economy business models will be validated through demonstrations dealing with four target products: washing machines, toner cartridges, telecom equipment and TVs.

Identified challenge (s)
Main results

A circular business reference model for the E&E sector will be developed based on circular economy principles and stakeholders’ requirements.

The reference model will be further tailored to each product targeted in the project: washing machines, toner cartridges, telecom equipment and TVs. The new circular economic business models will be implemented through four demonstrations involving the whole lifecycle of the target products, their associated value and supply chains and the proposed eco-innovative services: eco-leasing, product customization, improved WEEE management, and ICT services.

In the mid-term, the project is expected to generate an estimated economic benefit of 28.4 M€/year, with around new 355 green jobs and a total reduction of 2,620 tonnes CO2 eq/year.