Towards circular economy in the plastic packaging value chain

Towards circular economy in the plastic packaging value chain
Type of organisation or company
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Project elaborated in partnership
Submitted by
Circe Foundation

CIRC-PACK project aims at more sustainable, efficient, competitive, integrated and interconnected plastic packaging value chain with less fossil fuel dependence. To this end, three case studies will work on developing, testing and validating better system-wide economic and environmental outcomes by

i) decoupling the chain from fossil feedstocks;

(ii) reducing the negative environmental impact of plastic packaging; and (iii) creating an effective after-use plastics economy.

All in all, the work will be supported by non-technological analysis and advanced methodological analysis (including circular economy and industrial symbiosis principles) which will trigger a broadly deployment of the tested solutions.

The CIRC-PACK project will:

-Create, test and validate alternative bio-based and recyclable plastics for trays, bottles, coffee capsules, jars, films and pallets;

-Develop new types of multilayer and multi-material packaging;

-Increase the amount of recycled materials into other industries;

-Improve recycling rates and quality of recovered materials;

-Contribute to circular economy leading to a more sustainable future.

Main results

The CIRC-PACK project is expected to achieve the following:

  • It will validate technologies for manufacture industry, addressing better equipment and process performance and feasible customized solutions for different sectors. Global competitiveness of EU plastic industry will be boosted through the implementation of zero plastics to landfill;
  • It will boost resource efficiency and sustainability while long-lasting innovative products for consumers will be produced;
  • It will allow job creation and the reduction of risks associated to investment and decision making.