Turning waste into energy by co-generation using biomass

Genesis Biopartner
Type of organisation or company
Filipestii de Padure, Prahova
Language for original content
Local industrial cluster
Submitted by
Start/End date
Expected end date
Type of funding
Horia-Matei Bardeanu

Genesis Biopartner has initiated, developed and financed the construction of a plant for the co-generation of thermal energy (heat) and mechanical energy (electricity) from biogas in Romania.

The Genesis Biopartner plant now processes around 20,000 tonnes of organic matter, which account for the 93-97% of biomass needed due to the existing operational capacity, in order to co-generate electricity and thermal heat.

Main results
  • Initially, the biogas plant mainly used energetic plants, like siloed corn, from local agriculture, but soon this became a challenge that required processing optimization. Now organic waste from food processing, like meat, diary, etc., is being increasingly used. 
  • The first beneficiary of such capacity was CrisTim Sausage Factory, a local meat producing and processing factory, which provides raw organic matter and buys thermal heat. The availability of industrial steam contributes significantly to controlling the end-product cost.
  • Genesis Biopartner capitalizes on the heat produced in co-generation, while CrisTim benefits from lowering the cost of heating, as well as efficiently managing waste from meat processing.