Wegozero: mapping businesses with zero waste potential in Europe

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So which businesses in your city are turning circular?

The zero waste consultancy wegozero has mapped more than 1000 businesses with zero waste potential in four European cities (Amsterdam, Athens, Berlin and Budapest). You can find the Zero Waste Maps here. The consultancy focuses on measures such as reduced packaging and increased recycling. Its maps are available for a monthly subscription and aim to tell people which businesses in their city are sustainable and geared to circular thinking. This will increase the sales of these businesses and so push the circular economy on. The model can be rolled out easily to other cities.

Wegozero has received a grant from Trinity College Dublin and been accepted for Stage 2 of the Circular Cities ClimAccelerator Programme (EIT). So far, wegozero has reached over 7000 people in 2021 alone, 61% of whom are expected to change around 10% of their current behaviour. According to the Climate Impact Forecast, that is equivalent to 420 fully changed users.

Imagine if the consultancy could influence more people. What if they could reach 50 million people across Europe? That is equivalent to 3 million fully changed users - or the volume of 101 million elephants of CO2, to put it more visually! 

Read their presentation here.

Main results

So far, wegozero has reached over 7 000 people in 2021 alone, 61% of whom are expected to reduce their current waste creation behaviour by around 10%.

In addition, wegozero has:

  • mapped 1 000 shops with zero waste potential in four European cities
  • 7 000 users
  • held 15 events with more than 500 attendees in 2021
  • organised 20 zero waste bike tours
  • received EUR 15 000 in grants.