EREK Spain workshop: Compete in a more resource efficient and circular economy by product policy and ecodesign

Up to 80% of the environmental impacts are determined during the product design stage. Additionally, raw materials, most of which are imported and subject to important price and supply fluctuations, account for more than 50% of product manufacturing costs. The European Commission has developed market, knowledge and legislative instruments to be deployed EU wide, nationally and locally to address this risks and challenges.

This event, co-organised by the European Resource Efficiency Knowledge Centre – EREK, seeks to answer questions such as: Are you aware of the current market and policy trends on circular economy, resource efficiency and product policy? Do you know what your competitors are doing? Do you know the implications of these challenges and risks for your company?

The objectives of the event are to:

  • Understand how the sustainable model of the circular economy and resource efficiency can improve both environmental impact and drive competitive benefits.

  • Share the instruments of the European Commission and the driving forces behind the Circular Economy of the European Union.

  • Detect opportunities for your business based on results, understanding the barriers and learning from the experiences of ground-breaking companies.


9:30 - 10:00 - Registration and coffee

10:00 - 12:10 - Block 1: Driving the Circular Economy

12:30 - 14:00 - Block 2: Results, barriers and recommendations for companies

14:45 - 16:30 - Block 3: Anticipating the future challenges

Learn more about the event and the agenda on the EREK website. Please note the event will be mainly in Spanish with translation to and from English.