European Consumer Day 2022: Empowering consumers for a more sustainable world

European Consumer Day 2022
Start/End date
Event type
Key Area

To make the world in which we live more sustainable, all civil society actors must act together. Consumers are at the heart of this process and play an essential role in it.

The theme for the 23rd European Consumer Day, organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on 17 November and starting at 9:00 CET in Brussels and online, is Empowering consumers for a more sustainable world. The objective is to reflect on how to give consumers the information they need and how to help them make the best choices when purchasing a product.

The round tables of the event will focus on:

  • tech for good, i.e. technology for the common good, 
  • the right to reparability
  • the functional economy, and
  • consumption and health.

The event will gather high level speakers and representatives of EU institutions, national governments and civil society organisations. Participants can speak in English, French and Spanish and listen to English and French.

See the programme. Registration is open until 14 November.