An excursion for international Circular Economy start-ups in the Ruhr region

Metropolis Ruhr
Start/End date
Bottrop - Essen - Bochum -Duisburg
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excursion in the Ruhr region

Let’s go discovering Metropolis Ruhr in an excursion for international Circular Economy start-ups.

Looking for a place to settle or expand a startup in the heart of Europe? As part of the Circular Economy Hotspot event in Bottropon 13 September 2022 participants will be taken on an excursion in the Ruhr region to discover what this region can offer to international Circular Economy Start-ups.


  • 9:20-11:00: first stop at the BRYCK tower in the City of Essen: at a networking breakfast, participants will get to know sponsors and investors like the NRW.BANK and Gründungsfond NRW.
  • 11:30-13:30: second stop in the City of Bochum to discover one of the interesting FabLabs of the region, the RUB-Makerspace, open for start-ups to create and develop prototypes. During lunch (12:45-13:30) at this location, state-of-the-art technology centres for getting one's business in circular economy started (or expanded) will be presented.
  • 14:10-15:30: final stop in the City of Duisburg, where useful regional networks helping boostering business will be presented in the stylish KS36 Co-Working space.