An open session of ACR+ General Assembly devoted to a circular resilient Europe

On 9-10 June, the Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource Management (ACR+) will bring together its members for two days of debate and brainstorming under the guiding theme Empowering the sustainable transition towards circularity. New participative approaches for ACR+ cities and regions to lead the transition pathway.

This General Assembly, with the support of Brussels Environment as hosting member, will include an Open Session on A circular resilient Europe, on the morning of 10 June​​​​, to discuss the path that cities and regions should take to accelerate the sustainable transition.

What to expect? It's a euphemism to say that over the last few years – or even just the last couple of months - many key decisions had to be taken on how to support Europe’s green transition and progress towards a systemic circular change. To help ACR+ members and their fellow decentralised authorities navigate through the new instruments and circular economy solutions available at local and regional level, guest speakers from the European Centre of Excellence on Sustainability, the European Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee and two leading NGOs, Energy Cities and the European Environmental Bureau, will share their insight and exchange views on the topic.

Alain Maron, Minister of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region responsible for Climate Change, Environment, Energy and Participatory Democracy, will open the session. Brussels has recently unveiled a new instrument to meet its goals called Shifting Economy, which aims to deliver a paradigm shift to ensure the development of a prosperous, local, sustainable and resilient economy meeting the needs of inhabitants and entrepreneurs.

Register online.The session is free of charge but seats are limited, on a first-come-first-serve basis.

More information and programme.