Seminar on 'the City as a Business Model'

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‘The City as a Business Model’ seminar is being organised as part of Nijmegen's European Green Capital activities on October 4th 2018. This seminar aims to address the challenges of integrating circularity, sustainability and social inclusion in urban environments. The focus will be on concepts that generate multiple values for different stakeholders and build a foundation to create a sustainable and inclusive urban circular economy.

Professionals in the public and private sector across Europe who are actively working on projects in urban development will present best practices from various European cities, including Nijmegen, Antwerp, Maribor, Napoli, Copenhagen, Rotterdam, London, and Amsterdam. A number of small-group sessions will be scheduled thorughtout the day to present and discuss these projects. Several sessions will also be organised to introduce new mindsets such as ‘the city as a data-mine’ or ‘city as a circular business model’.

The seminar will serve as a platform to meet colleagues and share experiences derived from best practices. Participants will also be provided with a White Paper titled ‘The City as a Business Model’.

As there are only a limited number of places available, please register and pay a modest participation fee here. The seminar is an initiative of Prof. Dr. J. Jonker of the Radboud University Nijmegen.