Understanding Circular Healthcare and how to implement it

HCWH Training
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Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) Europe is announcing a one-day event focusing on Circular Healthcare for the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals (GGHH) members in Belgium and across Europe. This free in-person training session is aimed at transforming the way to approach healthcare practices and implementing principles from the waste hierarchy in the sector.

The event is tailored for healthcare management, procurement, sustainability, waste management professionals, and healthcare practitioners who want to learn more about Circular Healthcare. It is a must-attend for those passionate about reducing waste in the healthcare sector.

Why is Circular Healthcare important? The traditional linear consumption model in healthcare poses significant threats to our health and the environment. Approximately 5.2 % of global carbon emissions can be attributed to the healthcare sector, a large part of these emissions stemming from the supply chain – the production, transport, use, and disposal of goods and services. Single-use products are a major contributor to this issue, fostering a disposable culture that amplifies waste, emissions, and human health risks. As plastic use surges, so does the prevalence of hazardous chemicals like endocrine disruptors, which pose heightened risks to vulnerable populations such as children, pregnant women, and chronically ill patients.

Join this free in-person training in Brussels on 28 November 2023 to:

  • Learn how to reduce plastic and its impacts on health and the environment
  • Discover how to prevent waste and introduce reusable alternatives in healthcare settings
  • Explore how to eliminate harmful chemicals from healthcare products and processes
  • Engage in discussions on sustainable procurement and circular business models for healthcare
  • Network with fellow Circular Healthcare practitioners and innovators from across Europe.

Register as soon as possible (limited space available). After registration, HCWH kindly asks participants to complete a short survey to evaluate their familiarity with Circular Healthcare. Answers will be taken into account to shape the programme.

This event is exclusively for current or pending members of GGHH in Europe. Not yet a member of GGHH? Membership is free - apply today to access this event and future training sessions.