Turning the Tide on Biodiversity Loss: Critically Exploring the Potential of a Circular Economy for a Nature-Positive Future

Turning the Tide on Biodiversity Loss: Critically Exploring the Potential of a Circular Economy for a Nature-Positive Future

Turning the tide on biodiversity loss image
Sophia Vlieger de Oliveira
Thor Lindskog Ohlson
Publication Date
August, 2023
Language for original content

Global biodiversity is being lost at an unprecedented rate, giving rise to a sixth mass extinction and constituting one of the core challenges of the triple planetary crisis. Biodiversity forms the foundation of life on Earth and its loss presents a systemic risk to future human survival. To reverse the biodiversity crisis, transformative systems-wide change is required.

This paper addresses an existing research gap by exploring whether the circular economy can play a role not only in halting biodiversity loss but also in regenerating it and thereby contributing to a nature-positive future. To unlock the regenerative potential of the circular economy, a coherent strategy is needed that provides incentives for all actors, notably policymakers and businesses.