People: your best resource in environmental management. How to involve them?

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People are ultimately the drivers behind environmental change. They are the ones who will help organisations make the necessary changes to implement an efficient environmental management system, reduce the organisation's environmental impact and become more circular as a business and, in general, as a society.

Since its inception, the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) has sought to be a tool to help companies reduce their environmental impact and gain acceptance in their area by being transparent about their environmental performance and maintaining an open dialogue with stakeholders.

A key stakeholder in environmental management is the staff: they know the processes, they are on the ground, and ultimately they have a lot to contribute when it comes to making companies more resource efficient and more circular.

Each member of the staff is also a member of the general public, with their own spheres of influence, so businesses have the potential to contribute to changes beyond their corporate identity.

But how can you involve staff in environmental management? How are the EMAS tools helping to involve staff and top management in reducing environmental impacts and enhancing resource efficiency? What good practices has EMAS identified for involving employees and stakeholders in its 30 years of experience? Do people recognise the importance of their day-to-day behaviour in achieving environmental improvements at work and at home?

To answer these questions and have an interesting discussion with the audience, EMAS and ECESP organised a webinar on 26 October, to learn more about EMAS and the importance of involving staff, top management and stakeholders in the circular transition.

Access the programme, recording and presentation from our Coordination Group Activity page.