Recommendations for Circular Economy Implementation: Engaging Youth in the Transition

Start/End date

Between September 2021 and March 2022, the Circular Economy - Sustainable Competences for Youth project team conducted an online survey, reaching more than 200 young people aged 18-30 across Europe. These findings fed into data acquired via consultations of 50 entrepreneurs and were used to prepare recommendations advocating better inclusion and opportunities for young people regarding the transition towards a circular economy.

The Recommendations for Circular Economy Implementation: Engaging Youth in the Transition address the following types of stakeholders:

  • Educational institutions
  • Companies/employers
  • Youth organisations
  • Local, national and European policymakers.

The recommendations can be used by youth organisations, youth workers and young people themselves, since young people will be responsible for implementing the circular economy and so need to be equipped with the necessary skills. The recommendations cover matters such as incorporating circular economy issues in teaching curricula, providing safe and inclusive spaces for young people to discuss related topics and encouraging businesses to accept circularity as standard operating procedure.

This set of recommendations is the third intellectual output of the CESCY project, co-funded by the EU's Erasmus+ programme.