Circular Transition Indicators (CTI) by WBCSD

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The momentum to step away from a take-make-waste economic model is growing and we see both the private and public sectors setting ambitious circular targets. Transparency and alignment are critical to establishing a common language across industries and governments.

For this reason, together with its 26 members the WBCSD has jointly developed a universal and consistent framework to measure circularity. The Circular Transition Indicators (CTI) provides a simple, objective and quantitative framework that can be applied to businesses of all industries, sizes, value chain positions and geographies.

Built by business for business, the CTI provides companies with a common language for internal decision-making and communicating to key stakeholders. The CTI report, and its free online tool CTI tool, are now available.


Other documents

Circular Transition Indicators V1.0 – Metrics for business, by business