Webinar - Circular economy: raising climate ambition

Circular Economy - Raising Climate Ambition
Start/End date
Event type
Other (Switzerland)
Key Area

On 23 November (15:00-16:30 CET), the Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP) and Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Goals (GO4SDGs) will host a webinar on Circular economy: raising climate ambition

The first in a series accompanying multilateral meetings over the next 12 months, this webinar will explore how applying the circular economy approach can support the COP28 goals and how putting the circular economy at the top of the agenda for multilateral negotiations can ensure that all stakeholders take the same approach to addressing global environmental challenges.

Experts from several leading organisations will provide insights into how key circular economy activities, such as resource efficiency, can contribute most effectively to the climate change ambitions determined by the COP28 negotiations.


  • Verónica Tomei, Head of division at the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and the Ministry’s Commissioner for Sustainable Development 
  • Steven Stone, Deputy Director, Industry and Economy Division, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 
  • Bonmwa Fwangkwal, Program Manager for the African Circular Economy Alliance (ACEA) 
  • Jérôme Stucki, Head of the Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency unit at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

Register here.