Could mandatory circular procurement drive the EU CEAP?
Circular procurement is one of the answers to the changing functional needs of users within an organisation. It is also an essential tool for promoting a circular economy in the procurement process by stimulating the market for circular products and services.
It aims to retain the value of the products, components, and materials to be purchased as much as possible while deploying procurement power in a way that maximises the positive ecological, social and economic impact throughout the lifespan of products, services and work.
On 25 November 2021, 10:00-12:00 CET, the ECESP Leadership Group on Circular Procurement invites you to join the #EUCircularTalks on circular procurement. The debate will centre on the policies to drive circular procurement, thereby accelerating the transition to a circular economy within the EU. From policy levels varying from the European Commission downto cities, speakers will share their experiences with circular and green procurement policies. They will set the stage for an interactive dialogue.
Programme - PowerPoint presentations
10:00 - 10:10 Welcome and introduction
- Veerle Labeeuw, Vlaanderen Circulair
10:10 - 10:25 Overview of the current EU GPP policy and instruments
- Emmanuelle Maire, Head of Unit DG ENV
10:25 - 11:25 Voices from the field
- Circular Procurement – ICLEI’s perspective and initiatives, Mark Hidson, ICLEI
- City of Hamburg, Prof.Dr.-Ing. Kuchta, Hamburg University of Technology
- Italy, Ms. Alessandra Mascioli, Ministry of the Ecological Transition of Italy
- City of Pamplona – video by José Fermín Costero Bolaños, Pamplona City Council and Silvia Baines Zugasti, Government of Navarra
11:25 - 11:55 Panel discussion and dialogue with participants - moderated by Claire Guerin, Zero Waste Scotland
- Emmanuelle Maire, Head of Unit DG ENV
- Mark Hidson, ICLEI
- Prof.Dr-Ing. Kuchta, Hamburg University of Technology
- Alessandra Mascioli, Ministry of the Ecological Transition of Italy
- Mervin Jones, Circular Economy advisor for Rijkswaterstaat
- Ferre Wyckmans, member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
11:55 - 12:00 Closing remarks and kick-off online discussion