Circular Ambassador Programme: train-the-trainers session

The words 'Circular Ambassador program - Train-the-trainers edition'
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The Circular Ambassador Programme (CAP) is a 7-day training programme to become a circular ambassador. 

Participants have the chance to acquire a unique combination of knowledge and skills and join a great community sharing their skills and knowledge. The idea is that in a circular economy, solutions are often spread across the entire value chain: moving ahead with them requires a combination of collaboration, sustainable (product) design, circular business models and processes and the ability to convince others that this whole complex process is necessary. This demands knowledge of the circular economy and the skills to turn that knowledge into action to initiate change within organisations. The CAP was set up to shape ambitious professionals into Circular Ambassadors.

The CAP has already organised three very popular rounds, inspiring participants and contributing to their career development. The organisers are now laying on a train-the-trainers session. They hope that education programmes across Europe can create new ambassadors, supporting the acceleration of the circular transition. Participants will be given the tools to design their own training programmes.

CAP for Trainers is geared to people who already hold courses on sustainability or circularity, design educational programmes or want to expand into the circular economy. It will help them learn how to make training courses more interactive, efficient and useful.

CAP for Trainers will take place online on 25 April and 6 May, with an in-person bootcamp on 12-16 May. Full attendance is required as this is an interactive course with group work and discussions. The bootcamp will take place in English in Brussels. Price: EUR 1200.

The Circular Ambassador Programme is organised by Circular Flanders, The Argonauts, Möbius  and VITO and funded by cmartlife (Circular Material Approach on Residual waste Targets and a Litter Free Environment).

Programme, registration.