The Coordination Group

Composed of a broad spectrum of organisations with a pan-European reach, the Coordination Group (CG) enables and implements change through its work plan of activities, showing how synergies can accelerate the transition.
With a mandate running until autumn 2025, the CG brings together 24 members selected from civil society organisations, business and trade union representatives, think tanks, research centres and public bodies that have a stake in the circular economy.
The CG members also form leadership groups, where they agree on a list of topics to discuss with sectoral stakeholders during the year. There are currently eight leadership groups organised around the following topics:
- Citizen engagement & circular behaviour
- Textiles
- Circular bioeconomy
- Circular built environment
- Biodiversity and climate
- Circular procurement and EU competitiveness
- Towards a European network of circular economy hubs
- Economic incentives
These discussions take place during #EUCircularTalks, the exchange concept of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform.
The CG members' role is to:
- Act as ambassadors for the Platform and the circular economy transformation
- Actively promote interaction on the Platform between stakeholders
- Promote and facilitate the exchange and mapping of good practices
- Foster European debate among all relevant circular economy-related stakeholders
The CG is chaired by one of its members. Ladeja Godina Košir (Circular Change) will chair the first half of the new term while Freek van Eijk (Holland Circular Hotspot) will chair the second.
EU institutions and existing EU platforms relating to the circular economy are also invited to participate in the activities of the Coordination Group. The EESC has appointed three of its members to take part in the CG's work.