National level
Some instruments, private-public partnerships or private institutions provide financial support to the circular economy at national level.
The list below is not exhaustive and we will update it regularly.
Kommunalkredit Bank
Funding for energy-saving measures, waste heat extraction, production of biomethane, processing gas from biomass, second-generation biofuels, energy-efficient construction and work on buildings and other types of circular activities for companies and other entrepreneurial organisations.
BRIDGE – Funding, Guidelines
Knowledge transfer between science and the economy
BRIDGE 1 funds calls with various submission dates under the FFG's BRIDGE Programme. Funding is made available for basic research projects conducted by consortia of partners involved in scientific research and industrial commercialisation. The projects fall into the category of industrial research according to EU funding limits. Funding for science of up to 80% is available if the project is carried out in cooperation with small and medium-sized enterprises. The programme is open to all research topics.
Green Frontrunner - Funding, Guidelines
Supports companies with their climate and environmental strategies
The Green Frontrunner programme is aimed at internationally active companies that hold a technological frontrunner position or are just about to achieve this. R&D projects that are embedded in an offensive business field strategy and address the challenges of environmental and climate protection can be funded. The Green Frontrunner programme replaces the original Frontrunner programme (21 April 2015 to 11 December 2020) with a new application form, new guidelines and new focus. Green Frontrunner is open to all industries and submissions are possible on an ongoing basis.
Joint Programming Initiatives
Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI) coordinate national research areas and launch joint calls providing the opportunity to cooperate at European level. The aim of the joint programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's research and development resources and tackle common European challenges more effectively. Topics range from urban challenges to food security to climate change.
Walloon Public Service
The Walloon Region is accelerating the transition to a circular economy through the implementation of plans and policies contributing to it, as well as through the establishment of instruments that support and encourage the various stakeholders to become more circular.
Brussels Regional Programme
In its 2025 Strategy, the Government of Brussels sets out the objective of revitalising the Brussels economy. The environment is identified as a job-generating area, in connection with the development of a regional programme on the circular economy.
BeCircular is an initiative set up by the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region. It is intended to provide financial assistance for self-employed people and companies in Brussels to help them establish innovative circular economy projects.
Anyone with an ongoing or planned circular project can apply for support. As well as financial help, BeCircular provides individual support with business coaches and promotes the projects.
Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship
The programme offers support for training, advice, investments and research & development for companies' projects catering for energy efficiency, energy saving or renewable energy technologies.
Western Balkans Sustainable Energy Financing Facility (WeBSEFF) is a financing facility under which the EBRD provides credit lines to partner banks in the Western Balkans to lend to businesses and municipalities wanting to invest in energy efficiency and small-scale renewable energy projects.
▪ Zagrebačka banka
Service of Industry and Technology
The Service of Industry and Technology in Cyprus provides funding for energy saving and resource efficiency under various schemes.
Czech Republic
Národní Rozvojová Banka (National Development Bank)
The Bank offers small and medium-sized enterprises interest-free investment loans for energy-saving projects.
▪ Energy saving loans
▪ Energy saving loans for Prague companies
▪ Other types of loans:
1. Expansion – to start or develop a business
2. S-enterprise – loans for social enterprises
3. Southczech – loans for projects in Southern Czechia
The Danish Green Investment Fund
The fund provides loans for projects that have to contribute to the sustainable development of society with a measurable 'green effect' (e.g. in terms of reduced CO2 emissions or energy consumption) and be economically viable (e.g. possible to repay the loan with interest matching the underlying risk).
There are three Green Development and Demonstration Programmes for 'green' development and demonstration projects: the Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Programme (EUDP); the Green Development and Demonstration Programme (GUDP) and the Danish Eco-Innovation Programme (MUDP). The GUDP is a public-funded scheme to create more green and economic sustainability in the Danish food sector while solving some of the climate and environmental problems facing society.
Resource-efficiency investments for enterprises
Estonia provides subsidies in more resource-efficient solutions such as systematic changes in production that help reduce general resource use in the company, innovative machinery that uses less resources than the older options or allows the use of waste or residue, IT solutions for automation, and monitoring and environmental management systems that help to reduce resource use.
Circular economy programme
The objective of the circular economy programme is to support activities that contribute to the more efficient usage of resources and help to introduce circular economy principles, prevent waste and emissions, and reduce the environmental impact of activities.
Aktia Wealth Management
This equity fund invests for its client in the Finnish economy, with a growing segment in renewable energy, bioeconomy, cleantech and forestry.
SITRA launches and implements projects together with the private, public and third sector, all aimed at increasing sustainable well-being in Finland. There is no specific funding call for applications or application form: interested stakeholders should contact SITRA directly.
Business Finland
Tekes is the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation and offers programmes and initiatives to help businesses and public research units develop new know-how, build networks and increase their impact in a given field.
Portail des aides à l’économie circulaire
Along with its roadmap for the circular economy, the French Ministry for ecological and solidarity transition has compiled funding opportunities for public support to economic actors via several programmes, including at subnational level.
Investment for the future
The Investment for the Future programme is intended to support projects fostering innovation through the provision of public support with systematic profit-sharing, known as "repayable advances" and by the provision of grants, which are primarily reserved for research bodies.
▪ Investment for the future
▪ Calls for proposals Grand Plan d’Investissement
The bank helps SMEs to carry out investments related to the energy transition and climate investments through low interest rates for loans. In addition, KfW finances the development of renewable energies, such as electricity and heat from the ground, sun, wind and water.
Environmental protection under DBU
The 'environmental protection' programme of the German Federal Environmental Foundation supports projects contributing to environmental protection, with a particular focus on small businesses. Depending on respective calls for proposals, topics for eligible projects might include environmental technology, environmentally-friendly processes and products, climate protection and energy.
KMU-innovativ - support of innovation measures in SMEs
With this programme, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports high-risk and application-oriented industrial research as well as pre-competitive development projects. This especially applies to R&D in the field of production systems and technologies, including interdisciplinary projects in the raw materials industry, machinery and plant engineering, as well as the automotive and electronics sector.
Green Enterprise
Green Enterprise Innovation for a Circular Economy Fund is an annual funding programme specific to the policy area of the circular economy and aims to develop innovative practical applications and solutions that stimulate priority thematic areas of the circular economy.
Cariplo is a philanthropic association providing grants to social enterprises or cooperatives active in sustainable projects.
Intesa Sanpaolo
Partnering with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the Italian bank devoted EUR 5 billion in 2018-2021 to support projects in the circular economy. The bank is also a major partner of the EIB with two credit lines for the circular economy worth EUR 1 billion.
Environmental protection investment support
Luxembourg's government offers subsidies, guarantees and credit to companies for environmental protection and resource efficiency activities.
▪ Aide à la protection de l'environnement et utilisation des ressources naturelles
The Fit 4 Circularity programme
The Fit 4 Circularity programme facilitates and accelerates businesses' transition to the circular economy. It helps identify and assess companies’ growth potential and integrate the circular economy into their general innovation activities.
DECALIA Equity Fund
DECALIA Circular Economy is an equity investment fund dedicated to the circular economy. The fund, which is a sub-fund of Luxembourg SICAV UCITS DECALIA, is currently reserved for qualified investors but will shortly be registered in Switzerland and several European countries.
Seed capital
The Seed Capital scheme offers a variety of funds, each with a separate investment strategy and focus, such as medical technology (healthcare), life sciences, sustainability, the transport sector and IT.
ING's circular economy programme 'The Orange Circle' aims to help clients in their transition to circular business models.
ABN AMRO supports the transition to a circular economy and proactively seeks out clients wishing to switch to a circular business model.
National Fund for environmental protection and water management
The mission of the National Fund is to effectively and efficiently support activities for the environment, with particular emphasis on activities aimed at the absorption of foreign funds supported by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
Fundo Ambiental
The Environmental Fund is a financial instrument which supports the Portuguese government's environmental policy. Several programmes have been launched since 2017 promoting the circular economy.
▪ Economia Circular em Freguesias (JUNTAr+)
▪ Apoiar a Transição para uma Economia Circular - Fase II
SIFIDE - R&D tax incentive system for enterprises
SIFIDE is an instrument supporting R&D and innovation development by SMEs. It is an incentive scheme designed to increase business competitiveness through corporate tax breaks on R&D expenditure. In 2016, the government introduced an additional bonus to this tax break if the R&D project includes an eco-design approach.
SlovSEFF is a sustainable energy financing facility developed by the EBRD. SlovSEFF projects are divided into three groups: renewable energy; industrial energy efficiency and residential energy efficiency. Financing is provided via Slovak banks (Slovenská sporitelňa, VÚB banka, OTP banka and UniCreditBank) in the form of an incentive (grant) as a percentage of a loan.
▪ SlovSEFF
Support for energy efficiency and renewables in the private and public sectors
National environmental protection programmes in Slovenia aim to help the private and public sectors improve their energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources. Loans are provided for projects on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, waste management, investments in hybrid or electric cars, district heating systems, building energy renovation, replacing outdated equipment with efficient solutions, constructing near-zero energy buildings, etc.
The crowdfunding platform links up sustainable project holders seeking small-scale loans with private investors.
▪ Ecrowd!
Circular Economy Demonstration Projects Programme in the Basque Country
The programme promotes new circular economy business opportunities in the Basque Country by conducting semi-industrial or industrial tests (demonstration projects) that confirm the environmental-economic-technical feasibility of new solutions to separate, collect or recover secondary materials, manufacture products with a high secondary material content, or recovery of parts, components, products, etc.
Lehiabide - new business model development programme
This programme offers grants for new business models and actions serving the circular economy, such as improvements to a company's own products or those derived from industrial remanufacturing, secondary materials or other waste-reducing business ideas.
Catalonia's Circular Economy Projects Programme
The objective of Catalonia's Circular Economy Projects Programme is to promote the transition of companies to a circular economy model, improving efficiency in the use of materials and decoupling global economic development from resource consumption.
Circular Economy Programme
The Circular Economy Programme provides support for innovation and exploration related to Sweden's transition to a circular economy. The main priority is industrial symbiosis projects. The overall budget of the programme is SEK 10 million (about EUR 1 million) for the period 2017-2019, and a minimum of 50% cofinancing by private partners is required.
Re:Source is a strategic research platform financed by the Swedish Energy Agency. It finances projects in the field of remanufacturing, re-use and recycling. Both research-oriented stakeholders and companies can participate. The programme ran from 2016 to 2019 with the total allocation of SEK 150 million (about EUR 15 million).
Formas, the Swedish Research Council, publishes a yearly open call for proposals by researchers in one of three defined priority areas: environment, agricultural sciences and spatial planning. There has to be a strong research component (i.e. often universities apply) in this call and a focus on global sustainability goals including climate, water, ecosystems, pollution, food, animals, consumption and production, built environment, cities and countryside, and governance.