Product Circularity Data Sheet

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The Product Circularity Data Sheet (PCDS) aims to enable circular business models by providing manufacturers with standardised, clear information on the characteristics of the materials being reused. The initiative was launched by Luxembourg's Ministry of the Economy, and 50 companies have collaborated to establish a tripart system consisting of the data template, an auditing system and a data exchange protocol. They have now issued the first version of the PCDS. This proof of concept demonstrates that it is possible to communicate the circular properties of products based on more than 80 different statements. The statement form of the data template allows suppliers to provide manufacturers with the data without disclosing the underlying proprietary information.

The first guidelines have also been issued. These provide enough terms and definitions to understand the statements and steer suppliers through the process of filling out the form correctly. This is the cornerstone of the future audit system. The initiative is very cost efficient, and so SMEs will be in a position to participate in the global effort. Several pilot projects are underway to validate and improve the system, involving actors from various sectors and value chains.

The initial feedback from international platforms and initiatives indicates that the PCDS is gaining broad support as the system is considered to be easily applicable, cost-effective and scalable. The IT system is still being developed, including the data exchange platform.

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