IRCEM and its Strategy for Romania's Transition to Circular Economy

Start/End date
Coordination Group activity type

IRCEM's forerunner was Center for Initiation and Organisational Development (CIDO), an initiative of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, launched in 2012. In 2016 CIDO changed into CIOS and focused its activity on the sustainable development of resources. In 2017 CIOS became one of the Coordination Group members of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP).

In 2018, CIOS's organizational structure and image underwent an extensive process of modernization, thus giving birth to IRCEM – the Romanian Institute for Research in Circular Economy and Environment “Ernest Lupan”.

Romania's Strategy for the Transition to a Circular Economy (ROCES) 2020-2030 has been developed since 2018 with the objective of making Romania a circular economy leader in Central and South-Eastern Europe by 2030.

Other documents

Establishing IRCEM in Romania

Draft ROCES 2020-2030