CICLO: e-learning platform for the development of basic circular economy skills

Training opportunities
Learning opportunities
Target audience

CICLO is an e-learning platform. It focuses on upskilling and reskilling long-term unemployed and low-skilled workers by equiping them with circular skills.

There are eight modules:

  • Circular Economy: What’s in a name?
  • Recycling Management
  • Materials Reuse and Remanufacturing
  • From Products to Services
  • Soft Skills for the Circular Economy I and 21st Century Skills
  • Soft Skills for the Circular Economy II
  • Good Practices in Circular Economy and job opportunities
  • How to Approach a Transition Towards a Greener System.

The material could be included in educational services offered by Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers, Training Centres, Higher Education Institutions, NGOs, SMEs, public services relevant to the EU labour force, etc.