European Investment Bank

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the ‘lending arm’ of the European Union. It is the world’s largest multilateral lender and the biggest provider of climate finance. The EIB Group Climate Bank Roadmap 2021-2025 outlines the goals which will enable climate finance to support the European Green Deal. The EIB Group has two parts: the European Investment Bank and the European Investment Fund (EIF) that specialises in finance for small businesses and mid-caps.

The EIB contributes to the circular economy by providing financing, advisory support and knowledge sharing.

The EIB provides finance to circular economy projects/promoters, including those with a higher risk profile.

The EIB in the circular economy
The transition towards a circular economy can help reduce climate change and environmental impact, but also brings major economic benefits, contributing to innovation, growth and job creation. The EU bank embraces the potential of a circular economy and supports the public and private sector in their circular transition.

The EIB supports promoters with advice.

    InvestEU Advisory Hub supports circular economy projects
    The InvestEU Advisory Hub is the first point of contact for advisory services in the EU. EIB experts deployed by the InvestEU Advisory Hub provide tailored financial and technical advice for circular economy projects, which may later be financed by the EIB or other partner financial institutions.


    The EIB is also active in circular economy awareness raising and knowledge sharing.

    European Investment Fund (EIF)

    The EIF supports micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by working with a wide range of funds, banks, guarantee and microfinance institutions across Europe.


    The European Circular Bioeconomy Fund (EBCF
    The EEBCF is the first venture fund to focus exclusively on the bioeconomy and circular bioeconomy. With a target of EUR 250 m, to which the EIB has committed EUR 100 m, the EBCF is an important financial instrument. The investment focus is scaling up innovative bio-based companies in the later stages of development (demonstration or commercial phases).