Green Fund

Greece's Green Fund aims to enhance development by protecting the environment. It achieves this goal by managing and providing financial and technical support for programmes, measures, interventions and actions geared towards safeguarding and restoring the environment, with a view to supporting the country's environmental policy and serving the public and social interest.

Potential beneficiaries of the Green Fund’s financial programmes are:

  • the Ministry of Environment and Energy in its capacity as the central body of the executive power for the formulation of environmental policy, as well as bodies supervised by it with relevant responsibilities for environmental policy issues;
  • other ministries, local authorities, municipalities and municipal enterprises;
  • public entities and private entities governed by public law;
  • decentralised administrations;
  • non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that have been established and operate as non-profit associations;
  • civil non-profit companies (non-profit organisations) or public benefit foundations in Greece and social cooperatives or associations which include in their statutory purposes the protection and management of the natural and urban environment and/or the protection of wildlife species;
  • universities and research institutes.