Addressing current barriers to circular investment: policy approaches for success

Addressing current barriers to circular investment: policy approaches for success workshop visual
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The InvestCEC and RESOURCE projects are launching a policy workshop to discuss EU and regional policies to boost investments in the circular economy

InvestCEC aims to develop a replicable model for the initiation of circular economy projects in cities and regions that will improve collaboration between entrepreneurs, investors and policy makers. The RESOURCE project meanwhile will study the private funding opportunities needed in circular projects and facilitate those projects’ development by developing new Project Development Assistance services.

During this workshop, speakers will present policy recommendations to accelerate the uptake of the circular economy and increase investment in circular companies. Partners from the InvestCEC and RESOURCE projects will share best practices and recommendations and participants will gain valuable insights from policymakers, investors and industry leaders on successful circular economy investments and policies. Participants will contribute to the development of policy recommendations during the interactive sessions.


  • To present and promote the collective work and findings of the InvestCEC and RESOURCE projects
  • To foster dialogue between diverse actors and stakeholders engaged in the circular economy transition, including policymakers, businesses and practitioners
  • To highlight successful circular economy policy initiatives
  • To gather feedback on draft policy recommendations and explore new ideas for improving circular economy strategies at EU and regional levels.


  • Lucie Blondel, Policy Officer, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation
  • Marco Musso, Deputy Circular Economy Manager, European Environmental Bureau
  • Representative from Ajinomoto Foods Europe (tbc)
  • Chema Pina, Managing Partner, aptki global partners S.L.
  • Katarzyna Balucka-Debska, Head of Policy and Affairs Orchestrator, Climate KIC
  • Askar Sheibani, Chief Executive Officer, COMTEK

This event will take place in English and online at 10:00 -12:00 CET on 3 April. Registration