Advanced production technologies for circular manufacturing

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New advanced manufacturing technologies are crucial to bring a change and implement policy objectives related to the circular economy. These technologies are increasingly transforming all sectors of the manufacturing industry. Greater digitalisation – thanks to advances in data, analytics and connectivity – provides immense opportunities for the realisation of sustainable and resource-saving manufacturing, Improvements in the collection and use of data, together with new technologies like Additive Manufacturing, optimise business operations, maximise energy efficiency and use fewer resources more efficiently.

The conference will introduce the recent CECIMO report on the machine tool sector and its contribution to the circular economy. It will especially discuss the role of new advanced manufacturing technologies in the implementation of the circular economy.

The event will be hosted at the EESC and Ms Tellervo Kylä-Harakka-Ruonala, Vice President of EESC Employers' Group, will give the welcoming speech.

Check the detailed draft programme

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