ECESP Annual Conference Workshop: Circular cities and regions

Start/End date

The focus of the workshop will be “going beyond waste management indicators for circular economy in cities and regions”.

As this workshop will be held on MS Teams, please register here for the sub-sessions before joining.

Key questions

  • What scope and what limits to a monitoring framework for cities&regions?
  • How to address the gaps in terms of lack of information? How to address the fragmentation of information in particular for reuse and waste prevention?
  • How to make the link between circular economy monitoring and key political objectives of sustainable development (e.g. climate and biodiversity)?
  • How to ensure that cities&regions are able to use the available tools?
  • How to make sure that those monitoring tools and approaches are translated into concrete measures and operational objectives?


  • Introduction and instructions
  • Sub-session 1: CE monitoring and policy framework in cities&regions
  • Sub-session 2: CE monitoring tools and approaches at local and regional level
  • Feedback from sub-sessions for draft recommendations and conclusions

See detailed programme.

More information on the ECESP 2020 Annual Conference.