German Resource Efficiency Programme II: Programme for the sustainable use and conservation of natural resources

German Resource Efficiency Programme II

German Resource Efficiency Programme II
Publication Date
November, 2016
Language for original content
Diana Nissler

Natural resources are defined as all components of nature: (a)biotic resources, physical space (e.g. land), environmental media (water, soil and air), flow resources (e.g. geothermal, wind, tide and solar energy), and the diversity of all living organisms.

Natural resources are essential for life on our planet, and always will be. Many natural resources, however, are in limited supply. Conserving natural resources is therefore of vital importance, also for future generations.

The Federal Government embraces its responsibility in this regard. As early as 2002, it set a target in the National Sustainable Development Strategy of doubling Germany’s raw material productivity by 2020 relative to 1994. The 2012 German Resource Efficiency Programme (ProgRess) was directed towards this target.