New report helps IT buyers avoid greenwash and false claims

TCO report
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Circular procurement is not just about setting the right criteria. With circularity at the core of sustainable product strategy, the new TCO Certified report Navigating the Sustainable IT Revolution – The critical role of independent verification helps purchasers understand how to impact the IT value chain while avoiding greenwash.

“The absence of independent verification can expose purchasers to higher risks”, says Felice Alfieri, Policy Officer at the European Commission. Ecolabels give purchasers an easy way to include sustainability factors in a wide variety of product categories. Ecolabels with up-to-date circular criteria, mandatory independent verification and a system of accountability do all the heavy lifting – so purchasers don’t have to. Compared to relying on unverified manufacturer claims, this rigour significantly reduces many risks when specified in purchase contracts. The most robust ecolabels or certifications prove sustainability progress and continuous criteria compliance for the life of the certificate.

This year’s Impacts and Insights report takes a critical look at what purchasers need to do to avoid greenwash – and the tools available to reduce reliance on false claims. The report offers insights based on experience with TCO Certified, along with expert views from policy officials, NGOs, scientists, factory auditors and those involved in product testing and procurement. “Circularity starts in the supply chain, which is also where a good amount of the social and environmental risk can be found. We want to give purchasers the tools that help them impact the supply chain in a way that also lowers their risk.”