Funding and financing industrial-urban symbiosis projects: Learning from on-the-ground experiences

Hubs4Circularity are part of Europe's strategy for advancing industrial-urban symbiosis at regional scale: they are regional ecosystems for full-scale industrial-urban symbiosis and circular economy. This is a key circular driver: while industrial symbiosis looks for ways in which related industries can exploit waste and by-products as raw materials, industrial-urban symbiosis extends this process to urban areas (one example would be re-using industrial waste heat for district heating).

The Hubs4Circularity Community of Practice is organising a workshop to discuss and reflect on the various funding and financing approaches relevant to the industrial-urban symbiosis community.

Securing financial support for industrial-urban symbiosis (I-US) initiatives can often prove challenging. In this workshop, participants will discuss various approaches to I-US funding and financing and share their experiences and insights. 

The discussion will be based on case studies presented by different types of organisations (e.g. public authorities, business, I-US facilitators, financiers). Through interactive sessions, the audience will discuss and identify best practices for raising funding for their own initiatives. 

The workshop will take place online on 26 June at 10:00 - 13:30 CEST. 

Agenda Registration