Calefa - Reusing residual heat to reduce energy costs and GHG emissions for customers and end-users

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Calefa is a Finnish company specialised in the reuse of residual heat from industry. Waste heat is reused by redirecting the excess heat from industrial processes either to the customer company’s own use or to the district heating network. This system avoids wasting energy by rejecting the heat as condensed water or hot air. By reusing its waste heat, the customer company can reduce both its energy costs and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. 

Calefa offers a fully-installed system to its custormers, as well as system servicing and maintenance. It launched its circular economy solution in 2013. 

Photo: Project from datacenter heat reuse in Mäntsälä (FI)

Main results

The industrial sites that have used Calefas' technology have:

  • succeeded in producing energy savings amounting to almost 389 537 megawatt hours (December 2020)
  • reduced their carbon dioxide emissions by 86 million kilograms
  • created benefits to customers and end-users as this technology enables significant reductions in the amount of purchased energy and carbon dioxide emissions.