Circular Bioeconomy Value Chains: insights and best practices

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The bioeconomic sector is an indispensable part of the world’s economy, providing food, feed, textiles, energy, etc. Therefore, it is also essential for the circular transition our planet is in dire need of. Unfortunately, the global value chains often preclude the circular use of biomass, as they prioritise short-term profit, globalised production and logistics with no regard for externalities. Consequently, to attain a circular bioeconomy, we must modify and adapt the inherited linear value chains in the sector.

It is not an easy task. It requires proper design, coordinated actions with multiple stakeholders and careful consideration of possible trade-offs. For this reason, the Leadership Group on Circular Bioeconomy and Sustainable Food Systems organises a #EUCircularTalks event on Circular Bioeconomy Value Chains on 5 October 2022 (10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. CEST).

The event aims to share insights and best practices on how we can help design and build circular value chains that foster bioeconomic transformation. Using a holistic and multi-stakeholder approach, we want to understand the regulatory environment for possible circular change, the potential for regional cooperation and knowledge exchange among bioeconomic clusters. Additionally, as the circular bioeconomy is fuelled by innovation, we will investigate best practices for, e.g., waste upcycling, cascading biomass use and recycling while preserving that natural capital.

By adjusting our value chains, we will hopefully attain a sustainable and circular bioeconomy that acts locally, keeps resources at their highest value for as long as possible, and minimises externalities. The #EUCircularTalk on Circular Bioeconomy Value Chains is a step in this direction.

Draft programme

  • Welcome and introduction to the current and upcoming regulatory environment for the bioeconomy sector, Hubert Bukowski, INNOWO
  • Introductory speech Udo Hemmerling, EESC member
  • Decentralised nutrient & resource management to feed Europe’s bioeconomy, Armin Winter, Alchemia-Nova
  • Cooperation of bioeconomy clusters for bio-based knowledge transfer via Innovative Dissemination techniques in the primary production sector, Susana Rivera, Sustainability, Quality & Innovation. COOPID coordination. Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España
  • Water footprint and carbon footprint of the Food Bank of Navarra, Maite Aldaya, José Miguel González Peñalver, ISFOOD-UPNA
  • Beef+ project, Healthy Meat through Circular Economy: the use of vegetable by-products in the ruminant feed, Kizkitza Insausti, ISFOOD-UPNA
  • FERTIMANURE, a H2020 project dedicated to the innovative nutrient recovery from secondary sources for the production of high-added value and competitive bio-based fertilisers from animal manure, Laia Llenas Argelaguet, deputy director of the BETA Technological Center and coordinator of the project
  • Quick poll on bioeconomic value chains and their importance
  • Q&A and discussion
  • Invitation to the interactive platform for further discussion (SpatialChat)