ECESP Annual Conference Workshop: Construction and buildings

Start/End date

The workshop will present the main issues and challenges deriving from the reflection paper, focusing on the contribution of the supply chain of the built environment for the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change.


  • What are the market approaches that could nudge towards circular consumption patterns in the B&C sector?
  • What type of information should be made available and/or required along the value chain down to the final user to streamline sustainable circular consumption patterns in the B&C sector?
  • What policies and specific actions can influence the choice of final users on the merits of more sustainable buildings towards circularity trends (such as “made to last”, “disown ownership”, “get local”, “get clean”)?
  • What specific policies could help promoting a reduced use of virgin materials and a more productive use of materials in the B&C sector (e.g. metals, plastics, cement)?

More info on the programme, follow the link.

Speakers slides

ECESP 2020 Annual Conference