Guidance on increasing Nationally Determined Contributions ambitions through circular action
Come and find out about the Guidance on increasing NDC (Nationally Determined Contributions) ambitions through circular action and the accompanying Circular Activity Sheets. Both tools were developed by the German International Cooperation Society (GIZ) global programme Go Circular. They are designed to assist countries with integrating circular economy measures across value chains into their national climate strategies and reporting.
The Guidance complements existing frameworks, particularly the toolbox on Building Circularity into NDCs devised by the UNEP, UNDP and the UNFCCC secretariat. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are countries’ self-defined national climate pledges under the Paris Agreement.
This event aims to familiarise people with the Guidance and Activity Sheets following their presentation at COP29 in Baku and will highlight their role in enhancing climate ambitions through circular economy measures.
- Welcome and introduction - Katja Suhr (Head of Go Circular, GIZ)
- Presentation of the NDC Guidance and Activity Sheets -
Martin Kerres (Advisor at Go Circular, GIZ) - Testimonial: Overview of circularity in Colombia’s NDC and potential of enhancing circularity for reaching climate objectives
- Panel discussion on how to enhance NDC circularity -
- Katie Tuck (Associate Programme Officer, UNEP) or Alana Craigen (Global Climate Policy Coordinator at UNDP)
- Slendy Diaz (Circular Economy Lead at the Ministry of Environment, Colombia)
- Martin Kerres (Advisor at Go Circular, GIZ)
- Q&A and outlook.
This event will take place via TEAMS and in English on 12 December from 14:00 to 15:00 CET. Event page
For those who could not attend, all materials, including the recording, the guidance, and slides, are now available here.