Zero Pollution Talks Launch: Zero Pollution & the European Year of Skills

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Start/End date
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Brussels, online
Key Area

On 27 June 2023, the Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform (ZPSP) will host the first in a series of Zero Pollution Talks. These online events aim to foster stakeholder engagement and knowledge exchange with a view to raising awareness and tackling a wide range of issues related to zero pollution, including circularity. The Talks will bring together a diverse set of stakeholders, including experts and policymakers, for an hour-long, interactive online discussion. The sessions will be recorded to create a zero pollution knowledge base.
The launch event on "Zero Pollution & the European Year of Skills" will be held online on 27 June 15:00 – 16:00 CEST. Register here!
Delivering zero pollution and the wider Green Deal transformation needs skilled people. The European Year of Skills 2023 is an opportunity to boost the visibility of ongoing efforts and map needs more effectively.
The event will look at progress made on developing a core set of green skills for the labour market to guide training across the economy, with a view to creating a generation of climate, environment and health conscious professionals and green economic operators. We will also look at education and consider to what extent the green transition and sustainability have become part of the curriculum.

  • Welcome and introduction
  • Keynote speeches:
    • Sophia Eriksson Waterschoot (Director for Youth, Education & Erasmus+ in DG EAC, European Commission)
    • Manuela Geleng (Director for Jobs and Skills in DG EMPL,  European Commission)
    • Veronika Safrankova (Head of Brussels Office, UNEP)
  • Discussion and Q&A
  • Conclusions and wrap-up.


  • Veronica Manfredi (Director for Zero Pollution in DG ENV, European Commission)
  • Marieke Schouten (Co-chair of the ZPSP, Alderman of the Municipality of Nieuwegei and member of the Committee of the Regions - tbc).

Further information and registration.