ECESP Coordination Group Work Plan 2021: Delivering on the transition to a circular economy

Dedicated to advancing the circular economy and bringing together the circular economy community, in 2021 the ECESP Coordination Group (CG) will focus on eight key areas identified as essential for the transition, based on their collective experience and exchanges with other stakeholders:

  • Retailers, Consumer and Skills
  • Cities and Regions
  • Circular Procurement
  • Food waste, Food systems and Bioeconomy
  • Construction and Infrastructure
  • Textiles
  • Network Governance and Circular Economy Hubs
  • Economic Incentives.

The Leadership Groups leading on these topics will use the EU Circular Talks process (#EUCircularTalks), the Platform's exchange concept, to bring together the circular economy through events and dynamic, result-focussed dialogues.

Through these and other Coordination Group initiatives, organised along the principal axes of their Mandate, the CG will put into practice their designated role: acting as ECESP ambassadors, fostering debate, exchanging good practices and knowledge, and promoting interaction among stakeholders.

For a more in-depth understanding of the CG's work in the circular economy and what this means for you as a stakeholder, you are invited to take a look at the 2021 Work Plan.