Circular Transition Stories from 9 European Cities: an event by Resourceful Cities
Resourceful Cities is an URBACT Action Planning Network of ten European cities. This project seeks to develop the next generation of urban resource centres (URC), so they can serve as catalysts of the local circular economy by adopting an interactive and integrated approach. The centres also link up members of the public, new businesses, researchers and the public sector to enable them to co-create new ways to close resource loops locally.
This #EURegionsWeek in-person side event @ImpactFactoryMechelen, organised by Resourceful Cities on 19 October 2022 (13:30 - 19:30 CEST) in Mechelen (Belgium), will inspire those who want to support and accelerate the transition to a circular economy in their cities.
Registration is now open. Places are limited so it is best to book early.
Draft agenda
13:30 – 14:00 Arrival, registration & coffee
14:00 – 14:10 Opening and welcome, Alderman Greet Geypen, Responsible for Economy and Urban Development, City of Mechelen
14:10 – 14:25 Setting the scene, Jan Harko Post, Coordinator of the URBACT Resourceful Cities Network, City of The Hague
14:25 – 15:05 Showcasing the impact of Urban Resource Centres (URC), followed by
Q & A - Moderator: Eileen Crowley, URBACT Lead Expert, Resourceful Cities
- Kristine Einbu, Environmental Engineer at the Department of Waste Management in the City of Oslo
- Iwona Mąkolska-Frankowska, Head of the European affairs and development planning department, City of Opole
- Michaël Brevet, Policy Advisor, Waste and Resource, City of The Hague
15:05 – 15.50 Nuts and bolts Part I of the Urban Resource Centre: Exploring URC development and operational models - Moderator: Eileen Crowley, URBACT Lead Expert, Resourceful Cities
- Kristine Einbu, Environmental Engineer at the Department of Waste Management in the City of Oslo
- An Eijkelenburg, Stadmakersfond
- Julie Poppe, Circular Economy Programme Manager, City of Mechelen
- Stephane Vanden Broeck, Unizo Antwerp (entrepreneurs association)
15:50 – 16:05 Coffee break
16:05 – 16:35 The Urban Resource Centre – promoting circular consumption, waste prevention, re-use and circular resource management - Moderator: Eileen Crowley, URBACT Lead Expert, Resourceful Cities
- Sabrina Lindemann - how do you build your ecosystem in a relatively small area - not just individuals but also academia, business and the public sector
- Stefan Vanouytsel, Head of Engaged Research – mobilising public participation as consumers and producers of the circular economy
- Jan Larosse – citizen as consumer – share/repair
16:35 – 17:15 Panel discussion: Supporting the circular transition - Moderator: Eileen Crowley, URBACT Lead Expert, Resourceful Cities
- Mariana Boadella, Councillor for Sustainability and Agenda 2030, City of Ciudad Real
- Augusto Lima, Councillor for the Economics, Entrepreneurship and International Relations Department, Vila Nova de Famalicão
- Sirin Hellvin Stav, Vice Mayor for Environment and Transport, City of Oslo
- Patrick Princen, Alderman & Deputy Mayor, Climate, Biodiversity and Citizen Engagement, City of Mechelen
- Kieran McCarthy (member of the Committee of the Regions and rapporteur for the topic of ‘Resourcing Small Cities for a Just Transition’)
- Marcelline Bonneau, URBACT Programme Expert
17:15 – 17:45 Signing the Memorandum of Understanding and press conference
17:45 – 18:45 Tour of the Impact Factory
18:45 - 19:30 Networking reception