Innovative solutions for the circularity of plastic films: a live workshop by EuRIC
2,6 million tonnes of multilayers films waste are incinerated or landfilled every year due to a lack of sorting and recycling solutions. Consequently, more than 3 billion EUR in multilayer plastic films are lost in the economy every year. CIMPA is a research project supported by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme aimed to develop a recycling value chain for post-industrial and post-consumer multilayer films from food and agricultural applications.
The workshop titled Innovative solutions for the circularity of plastic films on 3 November 2022 (starting at 13:30 CET) will focus on the drivers for the circularity of plastic films and describe the innovative solutions that are being developed through CIMPA. It is about creating a circular economy in which multilayer plastic films never go to waste.
This live event represents a good opportunity not only to hear about the CIMPA project’s findings, but also to learn from different stakeholders working towards the circularity of plastic films.
It is hosted by EuRIC, on behalf of the CIMPA project.
Registration closing date: 26 October 2022.