Economic incentives: EPR Schemes and the European Green Deal: Challenges & Opportunities

Start/End date
Brussels (online)
Discussed key areas
Coordination Group activity type

While Extended Producer Responsibility Schemes (EPR) are increasingly used across Member States to finance proper waste management, ensuring EPR contributes efficiently to transition towards a more circular is essential. The workshop discussed the take-aways, benefits but also shortcomings of EPR Schemes, in order to focus on the various areas of improvements. Particular emphasis was placed on the role played by eco-modulation of fees. 

  • Why are EPR Schemes needed and are they the silver bullet to transition towards a more circular economy? 
  • Eco-modulation of fees, from theory to practice, what are the key ingredients of the recipe? 
  • Harmonisation vs. subsidiarity, striking the right balance for extended producers’ responsibility.


  • Jaoquim Quoden, Managing Director of EXPRA - Introduction 
  • Silvija Aile, Deputy Head of Unit, DG Environment, European Commission 
  • Emmanuel Katrakis, Secretary General, EuRIC 
  • Timothy Glaz, Head of Corporate Affairs, Werner & Mertz
  • Marco Musso, Policy Officer on Fiscal Reform for Circular Economy and Carbon Neutrality, EEB
  • Arthur ten Wolde, Executive Director of Ecopreneur, Moderator of the panel discussion 
  • Cynthia Reynolds, Founder & Systems Architect of Circular Regions for "Interactive exchange for stakeholder input on data points for mapping EPR schemes"

Watch the recording

Meeting minutes

Workshop report 2D - Economic incentives