CircuLaw: Rules and regulations for a circular economy

Green background with a drawing of a circular platform with a village on it and the text Law as a service Circular nl
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CircuLaw is an open-source knowledge platform that helps policymakers, project leaders and purchasers effectively utilise existing laws and regulations to accelerate the transition to a circular economy.

Being a Dutch innovation initiative, CircuLaw primarily focuses on Dutch laws and policy instruments. However, many of these instruments can also be applied in other countries. Additionally, the platform features a growing number of European regulations and directives, such as the Energy Efficiency Directive, the Construction Products Regulation and Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. Understanding these legal frameworks requires significant time and effort; CircuLaw simplifies this process by explaining how to leverage them to support circular initiatives.

Green Deal overview

Circular policy generally falls under the umbrella of the European Green Deal. However, navigating its numerous components can be complex. CircuLaw offers an overview of all the laws under the European Green Deal, making it easier to understand and apply them. 

Main results

More than just a website

CircuLaw's service goes beyond simply offering tools. The team actively works to harmonise regulations across local authorities, ensuring that businesses clearly understand what is expected of them.

The platform also provides insights into how legal instruments interact across different levels of government. This enables policymakers to combine various tools in a coordinated and strategic manner, enhancing the effectiveness of circular policies.

Where possible, CircuLaw supports users with practical examples, model texts and step-by-step guides. The platform also offers advisory services, e-learning modules and knowledge sessions to help policymakers and purchasers implement circular economy instruments effectively.