The Waste management Datacenter by LIPOR monitors waste flows, citizen’s participation and contributes to landfill diversion

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LIPOR’s digital platform, the Waste management Datacenter, optimizes the monitoring of waste flows and the recovery of materials. By contributing to the logistical process, they contribute to the reduction of biodegradable urban waste landfill disposal and the preparation of materials for reuse and recycling. The platform is used to monitor waste selective collection projects, giving accurate data on the levels of participation and the quantities delivered per customer.

LIPOR believes that in this way, citizens can be more closely monitored and integrated into the project as a whole. They advocates for waste as a resource, including it into the value chain.

The platform shows further opportunities for expansion, especially with the new EU waste targets, contributing to information sharing across similar systems. LIPOR cooperates with eight municipalities in the Greater Porto area. Using data from the Platform, a Door-to-door environmental awareness campaign was carried out on more than 1.000 citizens whose participation was lower than expected. 

The Waste management Datacentre can show to the following results:

  • the high reduction of 1,068 hours per month of manually written information, contributing to a monthly saving of approximately € 6,000
  • the installation of an Automatic Weighing system at the LIPOR’s facilities that contributes to the reduction of the average weighing time by 75%, and reduces mistakes by 80%
  • In less than a year, it was possible to reduce the production of mixed waste by 5.5%.
  • LIPOR treats 500 000 tons of waste from 1 million inhabitants from the partner municipalities in the Greater Porto area, amounting to 1,38 kg a day per inhabitant