Circular design principles: When theory becomes reality
While the circular economy is largely discussed, there are still numerous challenges to ensure that the current innovations and models can be upscaled and mainstreamed. Closing the loops will require substantial investments, a total shift in how we do business and consume, and many policy enablers.
Where should we set the priorities to close these loops? How can standardisation support circular design without hampering innovation? What are the essential criteria to be developed for improving the design of our products without other environmental trade-offs?
On 29 November, at 11:30 CET, EuroCommerce, EIT Circular Economy Community and ECESP organised the #EUCircularTalks on Circular design principles: When theory becomes reality.
This event aimed to engage actively with stakeholders in discussing these fundamental principles and circular design as drivers for the uptake of the circular economy. The workshop seeked to find common ground for defining key circularity design principles and engaging policymakers and experts.
Draft programme
11:30 Welcome and introduction
- Stefano SORO, Head of Unit, DG GROW, European Commission
11:40 How can policy set the foundation for the development of more sustainable products?
- William NEALE, Advisor for Circular Economy, DG ENV, European Commission
- Isabelle MAURIZI, Head of Sustainability, EuroCommerce
- Silvia BARLASSINA, Ecodesign Project Coordinator, BEUC
12:00 Showcase examples: the journey to the circular design
- Sirpa PIETIKÄINEN, Member of the European Parliament
- IKEA representative
- Decathlon representative
- H&M Group representative
12:35 Q&A
12:55 Closing remarks
- Sirpa PIETIKÄINEN, Member of the European Parliament