Cities and Regions fostering circular economy transition

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Cities and regions

The transition to a circular economy entails the systemic transformation of entire value chains, covering design, production and consumption. Cities and regions are hubs of innovation and socio-economic transformation, with great potential to lead the transition to a circular economy. However, such a deep transformation often requires supporting mechanisms to make it happen.

The first Talk tackled the topic of establishing monitoring frameworks and identifying indicators to measure circularity in cities and regions. Are those indicators in line with the validation/assessment criteria of instruments supporting and funding the circular economy? What supporting tools are available for cities and regions? And how are they being used?

ACR+, EIB Advisory Hub, the European Commission, the Government of Navarra, the Interreg MED Green Growth community, EIT Raw Materials, Dublin City, EUCF and the ECESP invite you to attend this #EUCircularTalks to discuss how different supporting initiatives are being used by cities and regions in their transition towards a circular economy. The event will take place on 13 December at 10:00-11:30 CET.



10:00 Opening address and welcome

  • Piroska Kallay, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee
  • Tjisse Stelpstra, Member of Committee of the Regions 

10:10 - 11:00 Panel: Direct support initiatives for EU cities and regions transitioning towards the circular economy

  • Supporting the circular transition with awareness building, advisory services and financing, EIB Advisory Hub
  • EUCF – European City Facility, Energy Cities
  • Developing raw materials into a major strength, EIT Raw Materials

11:00 - 11:30 Panel: Cities and regions fostering the circular transformation

  • Energising the impact of green innovation in the Mediterranean, Interreg MED Green Growth community
  • Financing circular business models with landfill tax revenues, Government of Navarre
  • Circular economy training programme for SMEs, Dublin city